Wednesday, November 20, 2013


The usual professional report tonight, this one on the talks aimed at debunking Iran (I entered denuking but the spell corrector gets full points for creativity).

What a great outfit for Ms Warner. She looks really comfortable in her skin. Her confidence, competence and beauty shine through.

Friday, August 16, 2013

OK, here's Judy Woodruf, a competent professional and fellow reporter on the Evening News. Currently, she just reads stuff and doesn't generate any original coverage except for her somewhat
Goofy segues into and out of the Friday night appearances of Shields and Brooks.

Tonight, she's wearing some kind of early sixties Mao top, or maybe some nightwear from TJ Maxx. With a guy reporter, the worst that you can say is that his shirt doesn't go with his suit our that his tie doesn't go with either. Big deal. Fair or not, we offer women more freedom of attire and criticize them for not exhibiting some kind of style sense. It seems to me that the evening news production company should recognize this and offer their reporters some style advice.

I think that it is fair to say that I am pretty oblivious to style and am definitely no exemplar myself. But I do know that lots of people care about how a person is attired and wonder why the news hour chieftains apparently allow the talent to select whatever they want. Even if it is a point if honor for these people to dress themselves, and I'm not saying it is, because how would I know, the producers of the show should step in and benignly assert their power.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

raison d'ĂȘtre

Enough said?

Probably the best reporter on television and a handsome woman, but she is endowed with a goofy or possibly non-existent fashion sense. To say nothing about the hair. Now that Helen Thomas is out of the way, MW may be the worst-dressed female on television news.  This is not a tragedy: Afghanistan is a tragedy, the flood in Pakistan is a tragedy. But we are concerned.